Sunday, May 27, 2012


          I am getting a dog!!  Not sure if I am crazy, given my dislike for most animals...  I have been thinking about getting one for several months now.  I knew that if I got one it would have to be a Norfolk Terrier.  This breed sounds like the perfect dog.  I did a lot of research about the breed and finally decided to start searching for one.  Norfolk Terriers are sometimes difficult to find given the high demand and the fact that most only have a few puppies in each litter.  I have been a little lonesome living by myself after living with such a big family for my entire life (I have four younger siblings).  The following are pictures of Shelby, a 3.5 yr old from Kentucky.  She is 13lbs and has had one litter of puppies- seven total!  The breeder is selling her since she didn't want to breed her again after all those puppies.  Shelby's parents are show dogs.  She is crate trained and will be spayed before I pick her up.  I will update once I have a date to get her.  I am so nervous and excited for such a big responsibility!  I will be changing her name to Trixie, in honor of my favorite childhood gook character, Trixie Belden.   Here is a link to the AKC website to read more about Norfolk Terriers:
Trixie Belden, my dog's namesake and my childhood hero
Shelby, soon to be Trixie
Isn't she adorable??

The Spider Invasion

It was a dark and stormy night...Just kidding.  Actually, it was a bright and sunny morning.  I, having just arrived home from my three 12-hr night shifts walked exhausted, into the bathroom.  What I saw there will stay with me forever.  *Cue chilling music*  There, in the bottom of MY shower was the first spider I had seen in my apartment.  I was instantly frightened and repulsed by the black monster.  Though it was in reality rather puny, in my sleep deprived brain it became larger then life.  I was outraged of the nerve of this, this, THING being in MY house and especially in such a private space as MY bathroom.  I knew that I had to kill it.  I couldn't leave it only to wonder for the rest of my life where it was lurking.  I decided to spray it with Lysol, hoping against hope that it might die instantly from the chemicals.  Much to my chagrin, this did not work.  I quickly looked around the bathroom to find something to use to kill it.  I couldn't use a tissue because I would have to get my hand too close, and I instantly ruled out such things as my shampoo bottles because I wasn't sure I was up to wiping spider guts off of something I use so frequently and I couldn't just throw away my only bottle of  shampoo when the deed was done.  The Lysol can I used to spray it had a curved bottom- not ideal.  Scanning again my eyes settled upon the container of Lysol wipes.  (Yes, I know that wipes and spray are a little excessive.  Yes, I am somewhat of a germ freak).  Summoning all of my courage I emitted a throaty wail and bludgeoned that tiny nemesis.  I covered up the remains with the lysol container and crawled into bed (after checking for spiders, of course).  Unfortunately, the stress of killing the beast kept me from much needed sleep for an hour or more. 

Since then, I have seen four more spiders.  I killed one with a broom, one I rinsed down the sink, the other was in a crack between the flooring and the bathroom and I am hoping that the fourth was really the third from the crack... since my friend found and killed it last night in the kitchen.  It has been just as traumatic each time, proving that overexposure does not help get rid of phobias. 
Steven Curtis Chapman- This is the Great Adventure

My First House Guest!!

Last night one of my good friends came over for dinner and spontaneously agreed to stay the night. We enjoyed a dinner of tacos, pineapple, and whoopie pies. She brought the "Bourne Supremacy,"and we watched that along with several episodes of "Seinfeld" and "Frasier." Having someone stay the night in my apartment was a new and fun experience. I am hoping to have many more house guests in the future.
Welcome to "This is the Great Adventure!" Let me introduce myself, I am a 20-yr old single woman living in the midwest portion of the United States. I recently moved out of my parents' home and am learning to navigate the joys and trials of living by myself. Some of the trials including killing spiders... I have a passion for my career- nursing, and enjoy nothing more than a well-written novel. The blog address was inspired by the Mary Tyler Moore Show. If you haven't seen it, you should. This blog is to chronicle my adventures in everyday life :)